
  • Carcassonne Princess Dragon Rules Pdf
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 4. 04:45

    Carcassonne The Princess and the Dragon is the 3rd large expansion for carcassonneIt contains a large number of, as well as wooden and meeples. Tiles containing volcanoes are played like normal tiles, and the dragon moves from wherever it is straight to this tile. Tiles containing a picture of a dragon are again played normally, followers placed and features scored, the dragon now moves, should the dragon land on a tile containing a follower, the meeple is 'eaten' and returned to its owner. The fairy may be moved on a players turn if a follower is not placed, the fairy offers protection from the dragon, and points to those in range. Princess tiles allow removal of followers when added to a city, and magic portal tiles allow followers to be placed on previously placed tiles. Contents TilesThe tiles included with the expansionThis expansion comes with 30 tiles, all have either a, a symbol, a Magic Portal tile, or a symbol.The DragonThe Fairy and the DragonWhenever a player draws a tile showing a dragon figure, he places it as he would normally place a tile, and may also place a follower on the tile as he normally could. If placement of the tile completes a feature, it is scored as normal.

    Then, the game is briefly interrupted while the Dragon moves!Beginning with the player, who just placed the dragon tile, and continuing clockwise around the table, each player, on his turn, must move the Dragon to a new tile, that is either horizontally or vertically adjacent to the tile where the Dragon is. The dragon always moves 6 times, across 6 tiles, regardless of the number of players (exception: dead end).The dragon will not “visit” the same tile twice on his 6 move journey, so the players must watch carefully to ensure he moves properly. Also, the dragon will never move to the tile where the fairy stands. Whenever the dragon visits a tile with a follower, a builder, or a pig, the player whose figure stands on the tile, takes the follower, builder, or pig from the tile, returning it to his supply.


    When a player’s last thief, knight, or farmer is removed from a road or city with a builder, or field with a pig, the player takes take his builder or pig, putting it in his supply. After the dragon completes his journey, the game continues where it was paused.Dead end: when the dragon is on a tile from which there is no legal move, he is not moved further on this journey.Note: as long as no volcano tile is drawn, the dragon remains away from the game board, and will not be moved. In this situation, if a dragon tile is drawn, the player sets it aside and draws another to play in its stead. As soon as a volcano tile is drawn and placed, the dragon enters the game, the set-aside dragon tiles are shuffled face-down with the other tiles, and the game continues.The FairyAt the beginning of the game, the fairy stands off to the side on the table. Whenever a player places no follower on his turn, he may, instead, place the fairy on any tile where he has one of his followers.

    To place the fairy, the player moves it from the table (if it has not been placed) or from the tile where it stands. The Fairy has 3 effects:.

    The Dragon will not visit a tile that has the fairy. Thus, a follower on this tile is protected from the dragon. If a player starts his turn with a follower on the tile where the fairy is, he scores 1 point immediately!

    Carcassonne Princess Dragon Rules Pdf Printable

    If a players uses his builder to take a second turn, he does not score 2 points for the fairy!. When a feature (city, road, cloister, or farm) with the fairy is scored, the player whose follower stands on the tile with the fairy scores 3 points for standing there, and may score for the feature as normal. When scored, the follower returns to its owner, but the fairy remains.VolcanoesA Volcano on a tileWhenever a player draws a tile with a volcano, he places it as he would normally place a tile, but he may not place any followers on the volcano tile.

    Instead, the Dragon immediately flies from his current location directly to this volcano tile, where he stops. No follower may share a tile with the dragon.Magic PortalWhen a player draws and places a magic portal tile, he may place a follower on this or any previously placed tile.

    When doing so, he must follow all other placement rules, for example, not on a feature with another follower. In addition, he may not, place his follower on an already completed feature.PrincessWhen a player draws and places a princess tile, he places it following the normal rules.

    If he places the tile so that it adds to a city with one or more knights, he must return one of those knights to its player (his choice, and he may choose a large or normal sized follower). In this case, he may not place a follower (or any other figure) on this tile, even on the field or the road. If he removes the last knight from the city that has a builder of the same color, he removes the builder, as well. If he places the tile so that it adds to an empty city, or only starts a new city, he may place a follower (or other figure) in the normal ways.

    Since the original rules for the Carcassonne dragon expansion suck, here is my home variant. I would appreciate feedback if I have missed or forgotten anything:RULES:In general, this variation reduces the luck of the original rules and balances the game by encouraging players to make smaller cities and roads that are spread across different fields. This helps spread score and strongly weakens the (unbalanced) effect of the Farm, and slightly weakens city stealing by the Big man and the Mayer.Princess tile: same as original rule.

    Carcassonne Expansions

    (short version: Removes a knight, of the current player's choice, from a city)Magic portal: same as original rule (short version: allows a man to be placed on any unoccupied and incomplete feature)The volcano: the dragon is placed on a new volcano tile brought into play. The dragon may only exist on volcano tiles.The dragon: any feature sharing a field with the current location of the dragon ( 'the dragons domain') is worth zero points upon scoring (feature completion or end of game scoring). If a feature sharing a field with the dragon has more than three men (of any color combined), the dragon does not have an affect on that feature and it scores its nominal value. Castles (not to be confused with cities) are immune to the dragon (because they are fortified against dragon).The dragon logo tiles ('Decimated)': these represent features that have been attacked by the dragon.

    When two dragon logos share a field, any feature touching that field has been 'decimated' and its score is reduced by half upon (rounded up) upon scoring. If logo is in a city, only the city is effected. Decimation does not apply to a feature if that feature is occupied by the fairy (see the fairy rules). Castles (not to be confused with cities) are immune to decimation (because they are fortified against dragon).The fairy: After placing a tile and scoring a feature, if a player has placed no men (excluding the builder or pig), he may place the fairy on a tile also occupied by any of his own men. The fairy 'heals' the effects of the dragon and the dragons attacks (decimation) and allows the feature she occupies to be scored for full points upon feature completion or end of game scoring.

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